Spice up your business

Spice up your business

What you did got you where you are, but if you want to go further you’re going to have to do something else.

That’s right, it sounds like a super sexy thing that is going to bring in more clients, revenue, and connections, but really.. it’s going to be you doing something you haven’t done before.

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How can you spice up this year in business

What you did got you where you are, but if you want to go further you’re going to have to do something else.

That’s right, it sounds like a super sexy thing that is going to bring in more clients, revenue, and connections, but really.. it’s going to be you doing something you haven’t done before.

I’m speaking to myself because there are big goals I have and I see them daily- they’re written in the front of my journal and I see it as I read, reminding me of the things I want and therefore starting to tell my subconscious mind how to make those things a reality AND reminding me that daily action makes the difference if I want those things, it’s not happening overnight or in one big action, it’s all the small actions that bring those steps to what I really desire.

I really thought about what helped and continues to help my business grow. After I’ve re-started my business in 5 states since 2010, It’s been easier to grasp what continues to work and what doesn’t. Also what looks sexy from the outside as a photographer.. which is glamorous photos, clients, and working with magazines and contracting jobs.. really is a ton of work and lots of time doing other things. I’d say being a photographer at this point is 10 percent shooting and being behind the camera, and the rest is well.. all the other things business is. It’s admin and networking, marketing, SEO, blogging, newsletter, editing, figuring out payments and invoices and contracts, dealing with all the software and programs, contact with customers and the people I have contracts with and still coming up with creative ways to get clients in the door.. and social media and then taxes. So maybe NOT so sexy or spicy. But every year I can see my business growing and that IS spicy.

I remember when I first started my photography business, I still was in college and honestly I’m still thankful for the people who allowed me to photograph them, like with anything we start.. I wasn’t good. I had passion for it, was excited, and had a decent eye but seriously.. I was NOT a good photographer. But the drive for me to continue really was .. I knew this was what I was supposed to do, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind. The path wasn’t just set that I started photography, I made a bunch of money and ta-da! In fact, mine be a little less booming because I was constantly moving states, which means it wasn’t a full time job for a while.. it wasn’t my only income actually until I moved to florida and even then it took me having a full time job at the same time until it was too much and then getting a part time job as a lifeguard and swim instructor with a little more flexibility .. and then finally now where it’s my income, which is scary- even when I was still at the pool, I coudn’t let go and a wonderful but very blunt friend had to remind me to stop holding on like a crutch and take a leap, I had saved a little for slow seasons, and needed to jump in.. when I say jump in.. just remember it wasn’t my only source of income for 14 years. And when it was just me starting over in florida it took 4 years before I could rely on just my business and it’s still scary…. And I’m okay with that.

So what are some things that can actual help you level up?

1- get in bigger rooms, again speaking to myself. With my photography, I was put and put myself in BIG rooms with more money, more connections because working for a magazine sent me to events. I had the upper hand at the time of having a reason to walk up to strangers and start an interaction. But, the way things have shifted I don’t do events like that as often, which means if I want to have those connections I need to PUT myself in those uncomfortable but growth rooms.

2- do the little tasks. Yup, post more on social media, create more blog posts, newsletters, podcast episodes, whatever it is you say to yourself.. well if I just did this I could grow too.. and just do it too. You don’t need to everyday, but you need consistency in your social media or online presence and we all know this from the people we love and follow. Find what consistent means for you- once a week, twice a week, every other Monday..daily, but stick to it. And don’t forget the interacting with other people and be .. SOCIAL on social media.

3- personal development. Oh boy this really isn’t a way to get you to stay and listen to something called spice up your business. But without mindset shifts, without growth in your life.. you’re not serving your clients and peers the best either. To STAY in big rooms you have got to grow and know that you belong there too.

4- set a few BIG goals that you might not be able to accomplish this year, and then set tangible quarltly goals to track progress and then.. track it. Are you seeing more likes/and comments.. maybe you’re reading more or investing in some mentorships or masterminds. Push bigger than you know so that you have a place to grow.

5- Do a few scary things. I did mention going and inserting yourself into rooms that feel too big for you, but what about some smaller things. Contacting businesses or brands for a collab or chance to work together? Put together a one-sheet to contact podcasts (start smaller if you have a small following or business) podcasts are always looking to add to their line up and your expertise could be the thing. Remember you don’t need to be the furthers, richest, or most wise.. just 10% ahead of the people you’re teaching. And if you’re unsure of some of your strengths, ask a few people around you. Sometimes we’re so close to our zone of genius .. we don’t see it.. we see it as normal or part of you when it could be the thing someone else is looking to learn!

6- learn to be creative and then be okay with it flopping. Easier said than done if the thing we pour our hearts and souls into doesn’t gain the traction we so desire. But take some time for some personal projects within the year, it not only will showcase what you WANT or attract in a client, but it brings that joy back into what you’re doing, and usually a spark and excitement again! And try it a different way, try reels with YOU or more video and just allow yourself to experiment and see what you LOVE creating.

7- show your face and get content INCLUDING YOU. We all want to show what we offer, our services, talents, and so many hide behind that no one wants to hear from ME or wants to see ME… but YOU are the brand. Think of how differently brands are shifting when we trust an influencer behind it.. and guess what.. you’re the influencer of your brand. If people connect with YOU they’ll want YOU and your services. Be an advocate for self love through example of who you are and why you do what you do, it’ll bring the right people to you even faster.

8- That SEO (search engine optimization) it matters, and if you’re one who gets peace from being at home, then this is defintely for you! Pinterest, instagram, Facebook and google are not my marketing plan but it is a PART of it. It takes a while to see results from anything online but especially google, so make yourself valuable. When I move, I start blogging for that location and what I’m doing so that google will see me as an asset to the community, it will see me as important because I’m consistent and it’ll eventually bump me up in the rankings because I’m consistent in this are. I’m still slow at it, and always learning but within just a couple years.. oh yeah this is the long game here… I’m the first in some of the categories that I want, so people can find me organically.. over time.

9-Set up a more organized way to conduct business that’s more streamline. For me, I use honey book for my contracts, invoices, and contact with my clients- plus so much more. Another super not spicy seeming BUT it will allow you to keep track of everything in a way that’s easier for you in tax season, calendar synching, and allowing my clients to feel how I conduct business in a professional manor.

10- Rest. Yup this is how to spice up your business. Not only is it absolutely essential and I just spoke about it in epsideo ____ check that out if you want more details as to why the ability to rest is the ability to be affective but it also CAN attract more ideal clients, friends, and advocates of you. It’s like a two for one. You rest and trust and don’t be afraid to show those.. when I show paddle boarding, me doing the things I love.. it connects and helps people get to know the person behind the lens. And especially in vulnerable posts, I receive more messages and connection through me being just ME rather than just showing what I do, I show who I am.

11- think outside the box. Alright, now this one could be spicy. No matter what business or brand you’re in and have, you probably have compared in the past or continue to to other businesses closely related to yours whether it’s in the same area or not. It’s hard not to right away, but what works for other businesses might not work for yours or might not fit your business model. For instance, I see so many photographers gaining clients and revenue with mini sessions, and I LOVE that for them, but it doesn’t fit my structure and hasn’t gotten me long lasting clients, so I don’t offer the same things, but I DO create custom sets that I’m in love with and it makes the clients excited too!

I have pink hair, wear fluffy pink jackets and boots and basically love pink and the beach and paddle boarding and hiking and all the things that make me .. me.. attract the right clients, so try a different approach that DOES excite you, when you’re excited you’ll present that offer in a way that is exciting to your ideal client.

Collab with a local business and enjoy that creativeness together!

Come up with 4 things (that’s once per quarter this year) you can do something out of the box and see what happens.

Alright, that’s actually a lot of ways to spice up your business. And maybe you can’t do all 11 right now, pick 3… and I’m suggesting one is rest, and one is personal development. Okay, not you only have to pick ONE more to add. I made that part a little easier.

Keep Shining