Leading with feminine energy: letting go of fear, anxiety, and hustle culture- with Allyson Chavez

Leading with feminine energy: letting go of fear, anxiety, and hustle culture- with Allyson Chavez

Listen in on our conversation about leading with feminine energy, HOW to, why it's important and how can help you in growth. learn one of the biggest factors when it comes to business growth .. which may surprise you is personal development, we chat letting go the struggle during challenges and hustle culture. 

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Tune in as we chat through some of these questions and more!

Today I have Allyson Chavez on the show and so thankful for this conversation-

I’ve been so looking forward to our conversation and especially because I really believe in what you’re doing for other women, how you’re leading, and share the same belief so reading all about you and your work made me extra excited!

images provided by Allyson

Something that popped out to me is leading with feminine energy and it felt extra important at this time, a time when both feminine energy is still looked at as weak but at the same time being taken away and I would love to hear why it’s important to lead with feminine energy?

And will you juxtapose that with masculine energy and what that looks like ?

And as someone who always thought I had to be a part of the hustle culture until the last few years, and instead have embraced hustle seasons I really loved how you lead with the importance of achieving goals without grind and not pushing and getting results- will you speak more on that?

I know you really deferenciate between there is going to be challenges while journey to success but to end the struggle- will you speak more about that?

Will you talk a bit about your story and how you got to where you are both in business but also this mental space of focusing on God, laying down the struggle and not having to sacrifice family or themselves?

As a christian business owner- and podcast host, I’ve always added bits of pieces into my show or business and just leaning into loving clients, customers, and doing what I feel called to do to share, but I’d love to know how you’ve intertwined your faith into your business? And some practical ways we can do that? I know so many that want it fore front and all over and many who don’t want it to be as obvious, would you touch on that?

images provided by Allyson

So leaning into our feminine energy but also letting go of fear, or stepping through fear and anxiety can often seem overwhelming to many- what are some ways that you help women allow that strength and soft energy but also get through some of those fear blocks?

And along those lines it really made me think how so much guilt is often associated with building a business or designing specific boundaries and how can women use pleasure and this growth as a success tool without shame, or to over come those feelings and continue?

And I know you speak about bending time and space, and I know for myself there have been some huge things that have allowed me to do that- would you go into detail about some ways we can practically do that? Or start?

We’re called to love and often it feels like when we lead with faith-based businesses, it feels like there are a lot of reactions to IT instead of the person behind it- how have you handled or suggest handling this with customers and clients?

Keep Shining