Choosing To Thrive - Learning our Genetic Body type with Hannah Louise

Choosing To Thrive - Learning our Genetic Body type

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S: Tell us about your background and helping others help their wellness

H: I also did some competing, and had some weight gain and then became some obsessed with how bodies are reacting and went into a journey of why the diets didn’t work for me, and something was blocking what I was doing.

Images by Hannah Louise

I worked out my formula intuitively, just trial and error and became a coach to help other people and there were so many differences in everybody that didn’t make sense with the traditional calories in calories out approach.

It lead me down the rabbit holes of science of why it wasn’t one size fits all, my friend introduced me to profiling. Some people doing it at the wrong time was blocking results, and same for me watching this down- we aren’t the one size fits all, and most of us agree to that, and niching down to the person and not just genetics but also how those genetics were expressing. And how personalities are so different and how that fits into it too! How I have a system looking at you as an individual.

S: can you go into what a genetic health type is and how you find that out?

H: we all have genetic codes and we can all see that observation that we’re all different to see how true it is, but WHY is the main thing. We know exercise and diet is important but WHY is important.

6 genetic body types- and it’s predisposition with our personalities, night vs early, and what it means to day to day life. The codes fall into the 6 common areas and falls into a health type and we know some are meant for endurance and some for long distance.

images given by hannah louise

So we have hormonal expressions and we have a combination so it’s tough to figure out. So we’ve got two ways my body can grow- and the 6 different body types is how they develop in the embryo and that becomes the body type you have. So all of that is external predisposition of how.

S: what are some things we can tell signs- to non responding

H: If you have the foundation that should get the results - but it comes down to the hormonal differences and the way we can actually look at non responding - instead of you doing something wrong it could be the wrong training or time of training or hormonal predisposition . We all have a happy hormone

If we turn up the thriving areas in hour DNA, we can turn down the stress and ONE of those things could be diet you follow or intermittent fasting or time you workout. Profiling will tell you what’s right for you. Then you’re just not responding for the wrong thing. We look at individual assessment and how genetics are responding

S: you hear so much information that’s bad-

H: that’s what our system clears up and right now you have low carb right now - it’s not going to work for you but need to do what works for you.

S: I’ve tried to be a morning person- but even said my mom isn’t a morning person but talk a little about genetics and work with those within our day

H: it comes down to that scientific assessment.

1- short muscular always moving, always ADD, doer rather than thinker. Could be running high on adrenaline hormones- could be just their hormonal dominance and we put that person in a classroom- they’re probably the rebel labeled as ADD but put that person in sports and allow- it’ll be in the right environment. So in contrast a slower hormone- take your time, and not feeling just ON yet in the mornings. It’s an example of how the body types because of the hormonal dominance but in the right order and place and it’s powerful.

This person needs to eat regularly and needs 5 meals a day.

2- the connector- leaner athletic shorter-this one is similar but governed by oxytocin which is the love trust hormone- so when that person is with people and expressing and they’re quite happy. But in environment of not communicating they won’t feel themselves. They need to move and use visual part of their brain. They’re the happy bubbly people, some adrenaline doing inter. Fasting for both these is NOT good for these two

3- The guardian - slower these are the nurturers - the giving hormone without expecting in return. They were made to adapt to keep us alive, and take care of everyone else and happy and bubbly but trouble losing weight that’s because of the hormone and in ancient times- give food away and be okay. They would eat less meals, be really good at fasting because they have the ability to store. Prolactin hormone can then be a positive thing-

It’s based on hormone and body disposition- and so giving them the right hormones.

4- combinational tall or short could be lean and limb- viking gladiator type- strong mind and body- very much thinkers, they need time and space to plan and think- serotonin which is a slow and steady hormone- thrive on planning- seeking pleasure and avoiding pain- if we’ve struggled with weight could be lack of pleasure and sensitive to temperature need a slow steady start. Good int. Fasting and can go with less food and feel better as long as pleasure is still there. Slow low stress morning- we need that time. Something spontaneous and small it can stress out. We really need to harness it and use it in genius for business or thrive in the day.

5- sensor- long lean skinny person that really doesn’t put on weight. They’re quite vulnerable, without body fat. Their body was dominant in nervous system areas, they’re quite analytical logical and stay safe in information. They’re data driven but sensory sensitive, like model thin models and tiny people- that’s the nervous anxiety energy in adrenaline and not be able to eat. Holding weight is hard for these people, and do right brain activity to turn off left brain and not get overstimulated and need higher carb. Better with yoga because it calms down.

6- combination of adrenaline with testosterone and sensor- they’re usually the chicken leg person- not able to put on mass lower body, but can put on upper. Governed by dopamine- very self focused. And once we understand, we can appreciate our body and self acceptance and we have different body types and why it’s happening. Nervous system driven and will have losing weight if stop training but hard gainer- needs mind supported with regular food and regular carbs- mind driven and stay safe with data and want proof. So these come across more cold but just like info. Driven by dopamine too because they’re trying to stay safe.

When we look at biology and hormones and where we put on fat, where, if we do, insulin resistant, and these are predetermined but we can dial them up or down and turn up the good in dynamic activities and turn down stress and honoring your body. And where all these pieces come together and hierarchy of needs and who should eat what and when and is good with certain diets- we can stop fighting with each other and we cherry pick based on your puzzle.

So when we lower that stress then we can dial things up that support that side of it.

S: It’s incredible - it helps your whole wellness not just fitness but also how you work- I have the capability because I work from home and I notice HOW I work and what works best for me. I can sprint work- and then read or workout and it’s not just about health and fitness but whole wellness.

H: this is what I found - there’s a hierarchy of needs - from a biological perspective we all have these. We’ve now proven this beyond food and fitness- then personal development and all the other areas what science has now proven and why we need that-

Now I have a science that someone like you needs a plan to help implement- it’s holistic and how your brain functions and look at the other areas of your life-

S: so how do you hack those and apply?

H: once we diagnose the body type then you can realize those- we’re seeking base line hormone. Like yours is looking for pleasurable - sleep, time and space to yourself, pleasurable experience to re-hack serotonin or look at foods you should eat- that could come up in profile- then gift in your hand of YOUR happy hormone and then you have the awareness tools so you can follow that and getting creating where you an add that to your life. Little hacks can be SO big, like going to talk to someone at a coffee shop, hugging your pet- it’s a game changer or what you need to dial up.

I give you unapologetic permission to be yourself and honor yourself

S: to give permission to be themselves- love that because we want to go against what our bodies our saying.

H: we have a default to survive but we can choose to thrive- some of that is genetic predisposition and what makes you feel safest, we have to choose to thrive. Trauma can show up in those genetics and when I had to choose to thrive and not let that story be your end story- you have to choose that daily. It’s literally a choice to survive or thrive. And I will be the coach to hold the space to allow you to be the best you.

S: I wanna know how we can find follow and see all the things!

H: I have an ebook that goes through the body types visually see: