Being Worthy and Perfectly Made For Your Purpose - With Petia Kolibova

Being Worthy and Perfectly Made For Your Purpose - With Petia Kolibova

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Images provided by Petia

P: Sometimes it’s even better when they don’t know me, because the people who know us scroll and don’t see where we are now. I love what I do and who I get to work with- I get to coach others and have a podcast and I’m very blessed. It’s very easy to say good for her, but my life isn’t like that. A decade ago, raised in small city in Czech Republic and a lot of scarcity. And those struggles and pain were the foundation for who I am today- I ran away when I was 18 with what would be about $5 here. It felt always like running away and always feeling like I was waiting for the WHEN- and when I got those- I wasn’t happy- I became the one that I needed.

I didn’t want to live the life I was living, it felt silly- If you look at most people- they get married, have kids, drinking and living for the weekends. We were born for THIS? I knew I was meant for more not knowing what more was or how to live it and I became relentless and curious.

I’m the coach that says no it’s not perfect but walk with me.

S: One thing that stuck out was the word curious- anything we’re doing we can be curious about helping others and serving others and heal trauma- and that life shouldn’t be the working for vacation- That’s not my idea of adventurous life looks like.

So this leads me to a questions about dreams - how to do you start to help connect those visions and purpose for clients?

P: I deeply believe our dreams and desires and divine- it ALL starts with YOU. I take them through three stages of awakening.

1- you with YOU. You have to understand and know yourself and especially for women- people pleasing, serving, putting needs on the back burner. We get to look at the past and heal that and feel safe with who they are.

2- you with the world- now when you start feeling better- you start saying- read this book, listen to podcast- and we’re walking billboards for these things and want to create impact and freedom in our lives and leave legacy. Help to create a life and a business so it’s in balance and feminine and masculine energy comes in. You serving others.

3- you with the divine- whatever that looks like- there’s a power bigger than you. Then it’s connected with divine coming with heart and trust and then feminine flow and body practices. The more I’m connected the more I have abundance. When you support life- life supports you.

S: While searching I already felt connected with you so let’s shift- how can we be aware of those limiting beliefs before stepping into our purpose and how can we work through those?

Images provided by Petia

P: it’s usually our limiting beliefs and an important question to ask yourself- if nothing ever changes in your life- are you okay with that? There are other desires and to upgrade but nothing to CHANGE. I’m healthy, in a healthy relationship, I’ve left a legacy. Most people aren’t okay with relationships, jobs, finances, so first to be honest about that and if you aren’t- write down those important things down and really see where you are 1-10. (1 stuck, 10 is fantastic) do these exercises for yourself because if you do nothing, nothing will change in your life. I personally thrive on one on one. Sit down, and really write down - then choose one area to start working on- if you work on ONE area, other areas will rise too.

If the results aren’t what you desire, what actions did I take and results- that’s the pathway so break it down. And then what is my new truth from adjusting those thoughts and desires. I embody someone who attracts ideal clients-

S: I like the difference between nothing CHANGING and the word UPGRADE. If nothing changed, I would be okay, but I have some things I want to upgrade. I want to jump into worthiness, and especially with women - many feel unworthy- career, as a parent, in relationships- many women feel small and unworthy out of saying it’s humility or if it’s out of self worth- and how we can change that and steps to see those steps to see ourselves as capable and strong women.

P: Unworthiness is the foundation of everything. This is the common denominator, there are these stories that we can’t be that or have that or major sacrifice and extremely hard work. Yes it’s work but it’s not draining. As a woman we have to tap back into worthiness- we are here for a reason. I created a course called Unapologetically worthy. I can’t teach those clients how to manage and finance if the aren’t feeling worthy. So that is a foundation. You get to re-write those stories and limiting beliefs and create those rituals to treat yourself.

S: Brene Brown- We can’t ask people to give us something that we do not believe we’re worthy of receiving. And you will know you’re worthy when you trust yourself. Women especially encounter a negative thought when think of worthiness- when it’s not entitled it’s adding value- what are tools to add this?

P: we can’t just wake up and say we’re IT! Fabulous and amazing! So it all starts in the morning, so every morning I make sure I feel like the queen that I am, so if I don’t feel great- I’m just going through the motions and we’re all about the shine. Create a routine and ritual - ask yourself what you need. And whatever resonates with you. I put my hands on my chest, and take a deep breath and say what I’m thankful for. Then what am I excited for today? If not it’s to -do lists and phones and on with the day of tasks. It can be small, and then what is one thing will you do with yourself. You will do everything for everyone. Doing dishes, laundry, and you pushed aside the thing you said you’d do for yourself. Even if a podcast, take a bath, read a book (even 5 min) it’s for you only-

It makes me feel abundant and it will trickle into the day and week and month. Sometimes we just want to do nothing and there’s seasons for that too.

S: its important in everyday- especially those with kids and have to serve and to implement joy even if it’s 10 minutes. It also reminded me of friendships too- and finding women who have the same mindset and want to encourage. Because we often end up surrounded with women who don’t have that mindset and how do you encourage those relationships

P: I like saying paying forward. And I feel like it’s important and take inventory of your life- some relationships you release and some you will negotiate and some will reclaim. Some women want groups and some better one on one. Find where you thrive and find that groove.

S: I feel the same- I get peopling out with clients, and I only need a few close friends. I like the one on one and conversations.

Earlier you said about serving, and that was another question was about serving- how can you encourage those towards worthiness

P: you can’t give what you don’t feel or have yourself and maybe especially women- very often we compare ourselves. Realizing you’re perfectly made for your purpose- always evolving and growing sure- but you get to embrace and love yourself who you are right now and that’s what will attract those friends and clients and that’s life-giving. So when you’re feeling worthy of the life you desire and it will reflect and inspire others. You are serving from a place from love rather than I have to prove myself and show you that I’m good. And it’s a place of knowingness and it’ll reflect and comes from vulnerability and heart.

S: Trauma and Healing from them- there are so many different wounds but how have you helped heal yourself and how you encourage others.

P: you can’t heal others if you’re not healing yourself. Theres no getting there- it’s jump on the train but like you said it’s knowing yourself and looking at the results I was getting in my life. I use to be getting what I settled on, and then I had to say no more and get clear on core values. And then practicing those things so I can keep healing on my journey. Different levels have different layers that we get to peel off. You get to be practicing and those will look different. We have to make sure we’re connected.

S: it’s never done- and it reminded me- it doesn’t need to change but upgrade and part of that is healing. I’ll heal something, shift and then now there’s something else- it’s never done and it’s always upgrading and always finding out layers and in turn helping others in that same place- it immediately went back to what you already said. Another was not allowing things in relationships.

Any encouragement to leave today?

P: circling back into remembering and embody your perfect image for your purpose. The way you look, express, experience the world- it aligns to who you’re here to be. Embracing your perfect imperfections and knowing you’re always evolving- your people will always feel your connection with you. The energy you are speaks louder than anything else.

S: how can find and follow you?

P: so my favorite is instagram

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