Business takes Grit- Sam Varner

Business takes Grit- Sam Varner

Tap into YOUR grit, make a wins list, do the actions to create results and MORE in this conversation.

As a profit coach and money making business strategist,
Sam Varner specializes in supporting six figure service
based business owners to make profit a priority by
implementing her proprietary CRUSH Formula.

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I’ve been looking forward to our conversation and something I’ve been coming back to with guests and within in myself and business has been the word grit, so as I dug into what you teach and implement into your own life speaking on this, I was excited to hear more about it from you.

So let’s start out with just that- why do you think Grit is the critical piece to entrepreneur’s success and how can they learn that?

I know for myself, when first starting a business- I almost had this blind grit because the passion part of it was SO intense, that I just wanted to build and go after my dream- and then as it grows and things shift- it seemed for a while the weight of having to preserver felt overwhelming and that’s where for myself in past years it didn’t completely stop me, but I yielded as I compared and didn’t see that initial growth and I think that’s when true grit starts to come in- you see your business and growth clearly, you’re in it a bit and you see what work has to be done to make it a reality. I’ve been a photographer now for almost 15 years and I think grit is absolutely one of the top characteristics to continue. But my question then for you was- do you see this type of shift as you’re coaching other women in business? The initial passion and then after a year or two the sticking point where true grit has to emerge?

How can we keep ourselves accountable with grit in daily business and life?

- I hear a lot about how it’s keeping promises you’ve made to yourself and I really have implemented that for myself- it’s the small things that build that confidence in one self.

You talk about steps to building business confidence, will you touch on those a bit? And what the steps are?

You also have a CRUSH formula that you implement into your business and I’ve love to know what it is and how you use it in business?

How are some ways we can be intentional with our business daily?

Is there something you’re excited about currently that has taken grit and continued action that you’d like to share?

What’s something else on your heart that maybe we skipped that you’d love to share with those listening either in business or personal?

And I’m also excited to share a freebie you’re offering, will you share that?

Keep Shining