Lean out your business and help it grow- Crista Grasso

Lean out your business and help it grow- Crista Grasso

We talk about LEANING out your business with Crista's Lean Out Method, business growth, self development and SIMPLIFYING your business. We dig into what is draining you and your business, mistakes we're making and can shift and SO much more. Loved our chat!

Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to simplify and scale and using her Lean out method, 90 day lean out planner and lean business scaling and the Lean Business Scaling System™

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I’m thrilled to have you here today to chat about one of my favorite subjects- business!

But not just business- it’s leaning out your business which you have the lean out method you help other businesses with and the lean out your business podcast which you host!

photos given from Crista

Even before really jumping into the method you help others with and also used for your own business, I was on board- as an entrepreneur myself- it’s easy to look past all the little and big things we do in business that maybe help us get to a certain point but then no longer are serving us or are just busy work OR are things we could delegate in a different way.

So I’d love to start with the Lean out method- the four pillars and how they help business growth -success simplied and will you talk a bit on and explain (set context, gain clarity, make commitment, practice kaizen and reflect)

I started searching all the wonderful things you do and ways you give back to businesses and I came across something on your personal instagram I’d like to read that you said with your permission?

Sometimes figuring out what not to do is just as valuable as figuring out what to do. And I wanted to touch on that- because often as we start out or are growing we start adding to the task or to do list- networking, and admin, and busy work and social media etc and at some point it’s really important to sit down and figure out what’s draining us, not working FOR our business, and time wasters that aren’t moving the money needle. I’d love then to have you touch on that and your opinion on actionable ways to figure out what’s not working or what’s just draining?

So with that, I’d love to ask what you think that biggest areas of waste that drain time and profit are in a business?

Why should your business be lean, luxe, and leveraged when you want to scale sustainably?

How can a team or even a solo entrepreneur achieve more by doing less- leaning out and getting back time per week?

What is lean strategic planning and why could it help entrepreneurs maybe better than traditional planning?

What are some mistakes that entrepenuaers make when scaling their business?

I’d love to ask one more business question of simple habits that you love to implement OR take away that help focus on business during the day? I know for me it’s been my calendar of 5 tasks a day to stay focused, having my workout and healthy meals ready, and intentionally having time with people I love to keep me accountable on taking those breaks and time away from a computer.

Is there anything on your heart lately that has come up that you’d like to share with us today?

I read that you love reading and would love to know what you’re loving lately to share?

Freebie? Do less guide:

How can find and follow all you’re doing?

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