Shanna Star MagnusonComment

Manifesting- Faith Plus Action with Kaitlyn Sanchez

Shanna Star MagnusonComment
Manifesting- Faith Plus Action with Kaitlyn Sanchez

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Manifesting- Faith Plus Action with Kaitlyn Sanchez

Manifesting - It’s a reflection of the relationship you have with your energy

Making it clear and obvious to the mind - it’s what we focus on and turn from an idea into reality. I think a good representation of that is shifting our mindset from negative outcomes and fear to focusing on the positives and looking for opportunities. Even though manifesting is usually not aligned with prayer, I personally align mine with faith- praying that I CAN shift my mind to one of abundance instead of fear and noticing and allowing opportunities to come my way.

I have never disconnected manifesting with lack of action- the opposite actually- I believe that action and manifesting go hand in hand- having a clear plan and executing with the best of our abilities.

Just like- it seems the negative people seem to have more negativity and the positive people seem to have more positive things happen- it has a lot to do with focus.

-what do you think are actionable ways we can figure out and manifest our purpose? Especially for those who may be unsure of the steps to take or what the path may be?

I think a huge way to find purpose is to just jump in and try, more than likely it can and will shift but the things along the way that we try will allow and level us up in a way we may not understand now which is why I think it’s important to just start.

Let’s talk a bit about shifting the perspective on self and instead serving others to then find our own purpose- what are your thoughts on that?

Another part of manifesting - I think is being able to sit with yourself and not some crazy act but trust yourself, the process, being able to breathe and changing how you speak to yourself. I know it’s easy to to talk down to ourselves a lot through the day whether it’s body image, not as far as we want to be, comparison, the list goes on- so it’s also working on HOW we speak to ourselves and making the right decisions. And I’ve read endless books sourcing that we can change the way our mind works and how we react to our own decisions when we work on it and can become a more self-trusting person.

It’s not just being a dreamer but a doer and I think it’s such an important topic that manifesting isn’t saying a few words per day and waiting- it’s learning to trust the clear next step (not all the steps) but then making those steps and trusting along the way.