Building a business over after a move

Building a business over after a move

Giving a few ways to prepare for a move, what's important about moving a business- and what to remember about networking and marketing when starting completely over with no connections. it can feel daunting and like you're behind, but i've found it's made me a better business-woman and finding what works long term to connect and find IDEAL clients!

I’ve been really wrestling with some concepts lately about the privilege I’ve had vs the work I’ve done. I never want to come off without acknowledging that some of my experiences are just that.. my experiences and they could and will vastly differ from any one else’s experience when it comes to advice, life building, beliefs, finances, and life in general.

It made me think about what advice I’ve received about who I am most qualified to help- and I’ve heard so many times lately that we’re the most qualified to help the person we were yesterday. So I’m not always speaking to masses, every one as a whole because we aren’t all able to have the same opportunities- but I am speaking from what I have experienced and that is I’m qualified to help who I was yesterday- that usually looks like building a business from the ground up ini a new location, starting a life over in a new state, grief and divorce (but quantifying that in that it’s one that I consider to be safe and healthy) finances when starting over alone, and a few other things but as I’ve tried to branch out on podcasts that not only do I not agree with, I maybe can’t relate to- the easiest thing I could do is realize- it’s okay to turn it off, not criticize and realize that their experiences aren’t mine- but they sure as hell are helping someone who has.

We wouldn’t or at least I don’t think we’d listen to a mom podcast from someone who wasn’t in some form a mom- we wouldn’t listen how to write a book that sells from someone who has never written a book or has vast experience in that world, and I wouldn’t listen to how to run a photography business from someone who isn’t in the game still as I ever changes.

So I’m only speaking with very intention of what I’m familiar with, what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve known for myself is capable, and in a lot of ways- a lot of podcasts talk to their former selves when they encourage, share wisdom, Pep talk, or give advice.

So while on a walk- I thought about those things I’m most qualified to talk about- now to say- I don’t have to be the very best, just like the podcasts I listen to don’t have to be the only masters in that field, they have to be able to teach, give actionable steps, and usually have an experience that I can find myself in so I can understand how to take those steps and how they’re for me.

One thing I feel extremely proud of is building a business. Being from Minnesota- I’ve thought about what my life would’ve been like if life wasn’t what it is currently for me? What if I hadn’t gotten married and instead was in Minnesota. (Now I’m not talking anywhere like regret, because I don’t at all in that instance- although I won’t say I don’t regret anything in my life- that wasn’t one of them) anyway- I’ve moved states 5 times, and the last time it was alone. I knew a few people but my connections started at zero.

So when I speak about how to build a business, network, and hustle (for a time) I know from immense experience about starting over and having no friends, connections, network communities, and also no job at first and defintely no clients. This time this move to florida though was different- because I knew I was going to be staying and creating a life here so I planned and executed my business differently that before.

Usually when you grow up in a town/state where you know some people- have maybe church friends, spousal friends, family, or friends of family somewhere near you- the first 6 months of a business can feel wonderful! The opposite is true when you start over literally knowing no one. I didn’t have anyone here supporting me - however I was lucky enough to know a few women who lived about 1-2 hours away.

Building a business when you have a community gives you a leg up (for a while) people tend to support you right away when you’re giving service away for free- they’ll share your posts and help you grow by sending friends and family your way- however because most clients really tend to live OUTSIDE of the family and friends circle that are long lasting clients and where they really bring you customers- that can feel short lived.

When you start with no one- it’s tough at first, but when it starts moving-

What I’ve learned

My advice to you today is when you’re starting a business- absolutely lean into those leads brought by friends and family- but go after networking and growing it in new leads and ways from strangers as if those leads will stop. Because often (not always) they diminish. The largest circle will be friends of friends of friends and I didn’t believe this until I started seeing who were the wonderful clients not only hiring me again and again but who were supporting and sharing and sending more clients my way.

I read or heard somewhere that it is easier for a client to become a friend than it is to get a friend to become a client, and in my 14 years of business- I can say it’s absolutely true. Not always, I have some very near and dear friends who continue to hire me, support, love, and are wonderful people but I’d say in those years, I have grown more friends from clients. Now this isn’t a complaint, isn’t meant to say woe is me, or that I have crappy friends- because I don’t.

But often times people who knew us on some sort of level will be the ones who ask for discounts, expect it for free, or aren’t your ideal client and may not value your service and work and that’s perfectly fine- not every single person is your ideal client.

I think often we’re looking for our friends and family to turn into our ideal clients instead of focusing on attracting our ideal clients for our business.

There has definitely been times in my life where it slightly hurt my feelings when friends would share, comment, try to bring attention to services or products of people that they didn’t know and I’d think… why won’t they share and support my stuff? I’ve had to let it go. Many of my friends first aren’t always my ideal client.

What’s a way to an ideal client has found you is when they feel understood by you not that they understand you. Ideal client is about them.

I’ve been really wrestling with some concepts lately about the privilege I’ve had vs the work I’ve done. I never want to come off without acknowledging that some of my experiences are just that.. my experiences and they could and will vastly differ from any one else’s experience when it comes to advice, life building, beliefs, finances, and life in general.

It made me think about what advice I’ve received about who I am most qualified to help- and I’ve heard so many times lately that we’re the most qualified to help the person we were yesterday. So I’m not always speaking to masses, every one as a whole because we aren’t all able to have the same opportunities- but I am speaking from what I have experienced and that is I’m qualified to help who I was yesterday- that usually looks like building a business from the ground up ini a new location, starting a life over in a new state, grief and divorce (but quantifying that in that it’s one that I consider to be safe and healthy) finances when starting over alone, and a few other things but as I’ve tried to branch out on podcasts that not only do I not agree with, I maybe can’t relate to- the easiest thing I could do is realize- it’s okay to turn it off, not criticize and realize that their experiences aren’t mine- but they sure as hell are helping someone who has.

We wouldn’t or at least I don’t think we’d listen to a mom podcast from someone who wasn’t in some form a mom- we wouldn’t listen how to write a book that sells from someone who has never written a book or has vast experience in that world, and I wouldn’t listen to how to run a photography business from someone who isn’t in the game still as I ever changes.

So I’m only speaking with very intention of what I’m familiar with, what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve known for myself is capable, and in a lot of ways- a lot of podcasts talk to their former selves when they encourage, share wisdom, Pep talk, or give advice.

So while on a walk- I thought about those things I’m most qualified to talk about- now to say- I don’t have to be the very best, just like the podcasts I listen to don’t have to be the only masters in that field, they have to be able to teach, give actionable steps, and usually have an experience that I can find myself in so I can understand how to take those steps and how they’re for me.

One thing I feel extremely proud of is building a business. Being from Minnesota- I’ve thought about what my life would’ve been like if life wasn’t what it is currently for me? What if I hadn’t gotten married and instead was in Minnesota. (Now I’m not talking anywhere like regret, because I don’t at all in that instance- although I won’t say I don’t regret anything in my life- that wasn’t one of them) anyway- I’ve moved states 5 times, and the last time it was alone. I knew a few people but my connections started at zero.

So when I speak about how to build a business, network, and hustle (for a time) I know from immense experience about starting over and having no friends, connections, network communities, and also no job at first and defintely no clients. This time this move to florida though was different- because I knew I was going to be staying and creating a life here so I planned and executed my business differently that before.

Usually when you grow up in a town/state where you know some people- have maybe church friends, spousal friends, family, or friends of family somewhere near you- the first 6 months of a business can feel wonderful! The opposite is true when you start over literally knowing no one. I didn’t have anyone here supporting me - however I was lucky enough to know a few women who lived about 1-2 hours away.

Building a business when you have a community gives you a leg up (for a while) people tend to support you right away when you’re giving service away for free- they’ll share your posts and help you grow by sending friends and family your way- however because most clients really tend to live OUTSIDE of the family and friends circle that are long lasting clients and where they really bring you customers- that can feel short lived.

When you start with no one- it’s tough at first, but when it starts moving-

What I’ve learned

My advice to you today is when you’re starting a business- absolutely lean into those leads brought by friends and family- but go after networking and growing it in new leads and ways from strangers as if those leads will stop. Because often (not always) they diminish. The largest circle will be friends of friends of friends and I didn’t believe this until I started seeing who were the wonderful clients not only hiring me again and again but who were supporting and sharing and sending more clients my way.

I read or heard somewhere that it is easier for a client to become a friend than it is to get a friend to become a client, and in my 14 years of business- I can say it’s absolutely true. Not always, I have some very near and dear friends who continue to hire me, support, love, and are wonderful people but I’d say in those years, I have grown more friends from clients. Now this isn’t a complaint, isn’t meant to say woe is me, or that I have crappy friends- because I don’t.

But often times people who knew us on some sort of level will be the ones who ask for discounts, expect it for free, or aren’t your ideal client and may not value your service and work and that’s perfectly fine- not every single person is your ideal client.

I think often we’re looking for our friends and family to turn into our ideal clients instead of focusing on attracting our ideal clients for our business.

There has definitely been times in my life where it slightly hurt my feelings when friends would share, comment, try to bring attention to services or products of people that they didn’t know and I’d think… why won’t they share and support my stuff? I’ve had to let it go. Many of my friends first aren’t always my ideal client.

What’s a way to an ideal client has found you is when they feel understood by you not that they understand you. Ideal client is about them.