Beauty from the inside and out with Misty Laboy

Beauty from the inside and out with Misty Laboy

Misty Laboy is the owner and founder of Beauty from the inside and out - where she helps women celebrate their uniqueness, and help guide you on a self-love, self-awareness, and self-discovery so you can feel beautiful inside and out.

She's been an industry leader for over 20 years and hopes to inspire and encourage you!

We chat about how to create habits in confidence, what confidence is, and starting with self-acceptance
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Today I have Misty Laboy on the show- health, beauty, and self-love mentor

As I was reading your story- yours began after you already lost a signifiant amount of weight and still felt that feeling that you still weren’t happy- and I think that’s such a good place to start- I know for many and myself included when we’re at a place where we see our body as the enemy or it’s not enough when we ARE able to reach our goals, it can be tough to know it’s love ourselves to life- not change and then love ourselves.

Will you talk a bit about your healing after that weight loss for yourself?

And after that, how you decided to help other women?

Although I know those listening- there are many that are confident, have the ability and want to be the best version of themselves, there might be days or seasons that we really do feel not enough whether it’s not making enough, not having enough followers, not supporting with our business, or body goals- from there- where’s a good place to reset, how do you recommend to get clear or shift that thinking or at least open to acceptance?

I know for many women- it’s easier to start giving, and overlooking our own needs- and as much as we know that we need to be an example of that to the next generation- how do you suggest introducing those things into our daily or regular routine that refreshes us and maybe doesn’t at first just seem like another thing to do on the schedule?

Are there some things you suggest starting with to start the habits smaller?

I just got back from a girls trip to Hawaii or a friends’ 40th birthday and it truly wasn’t until I was there did I realize how MUCH I needed it. I know it’s not always possible to take a HUGE girls trip but even for myself- I realize how important it is to refresh- I came back home a much kinder, ready for work, and more grateful person

Any resources you love to suggest for those women to get in tune with HOW important it is to start shifting from stressful living to joyful living?

What’s something you see often that you’d love to talk about and give advice on?