whatever Makes Your Soul Happy, Do That.- Self Portraits

When i’m stuck, when i’m down, when my heart is heavy. I try to hold on. i continue on daily, but what sets my heart free is being places that make me filled with joy, and with people who never resist hugs and make me laugh until it hurts. I take time for myself and even take self portraits, to see myself literally through a lens. I upload those photos and instead of picking them apart, i point out the good, the things i’m capable of, and the abilities i was given. It continually makes see the good and appreciate the little “flaws.” 

I take self portraits for social media content sure, to update my profile photos and the changes in my hair and almost 30 year old self. But it always does something much deeper than that. We take thousands of photos, so why not have a few of YOU, where you can see beauty in yourself and embrace the things we spend way too much time worrying about. (Things most people don't ever even notice.) To, even if for a moment hold onto some self confidence to carry around. to believe in ourselves the way to tell others to. 

If you’ve been down and feel your heart is too heavy lately, i want to encourage you to go. you may not be able to travel to places with familiar faces or to a place you lived almost across the country, but you can find those spots near your home that give you peace and you sense something more. i have these spots everywhere i visit so when i need to fill my heart again, there’s never one too far. whether it’s a park in Red Wing Minnesota, White Sands in New Mexico, a secluded walking spot to the beach in Virginia, or even in a chair in your backyard with a book. do that. do more of what makes you happy. and don’t forget to think of all the wonderful things you are. 

Self love and time for you isn't selfish. it's the necessary part to continually be able to love those around you in time of need and shine with genuine happiness.

beautiful self portraits on a windy day white sands national park
Davista photography Shanna Magnuson self portraits
Davista photography white sands New Mexico
bombshell sports leggings yoga pants at white sands New Mexico
bombshell sportswear yoga pants self portraits
New Mexico fitness photography at white sands
glamour and beauty photography Davista photography Shanna Magnuson


Keep Shining

Shanna Star