New ways of viewing entrepreneurship- with Bekah Manley

New ways of viewing entrepreneurship- with Bekah Manley

With Destin, Florida Local- Bekah Manley- we speak all about new ways of viewing entrepreneurship! With inspired action, learning to be still, NOT leaning into the too busy mentality, and even some marketing advice on how to show up in a way that brings you joy and connects with your ideal clients. Bekah even gives away some of her favorite spots around the Desin area!

Bekah is known as a "Holistic Realtor” with Corcoran Reverie who focuses on sustainability and futuristic building practices. Entrepreneur and thought leader who is on a mission to revolutionize the built environment. 28 year old female that is currently challenging the largest predominantly male ran industry in the world— construction and development

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Today I have the opportunity to chat with Bekah Manley and even though we only live about an hour away, we’re doing this online too but I even though we have spent some time together, I’ve been so thrilled about this conversation - because usually our time spent together is a shoot or an event, so thank you so much for taking time today! And welcome!

So around here- most people know you and how fabulous you are and all about the chickens you have in your backyard how grounded but absolutely beautiful and wonderful you are- okay that’s just what we know about you— but you’re also known as the holistic realtor within the business and focus on sustainability and futuristic building practices- and honestly you’re just killing it from working hard, building community, and how you market and connect is absolutely a step above and I admire you so!

Even though I feel like there’s so much we could chat about, we’re going to get into new ways of viewing entrepreneurship and how those big dreams create gravity

So let’s start with more about you! How you got to where you are and then those ways of viewing entrepreneurship in a new way!

Even in marketing- what I love is you go out experience what Destin has to offer become immersed In it and share those experiences with those potential clients- will you talk about this and marketing in general for you?

What are some of your favorite little gems around Destin for those listening who might visit or live here too!

Anything on this subject you feel could be expanded on?

Is there anything on your heart that you’d love to share whether personal or business, something you’d love to touch on

How can we find, follow, learn from you!