Leading yourself while leading a business with Hally Brooke

Leading yourself while leading a business

Tune into a conversation with Hally Brooke he founder and CEO of live nourished, certified functional medicine nutritional counselor, and advocate for this industry.

We chat through importance of traditional marketing but really digging into a sometimes forgotten about marketing strategy which is... pouring into our own well being- which really hit home for me, the more i work on my personal development, the more my business is able to grow!

learn how we can shift those ideas not just adding to a list of to-dos and also eliminating habits, and more!



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Tune in as we chat through some of these questions and more!

Hally Brookeis the founder and ceo of live nourished, certified functional medicine nutritional counselor, and advocate for this industry.

It’s something while reading all about you that I was interested in chatting about because- as much as I do believe in marketing strategies and plans and know the importance of them in business growth- I have found pouring into my own well-being helps my business growth and would love to know why you personally suggest your own well being over traditional marketing or a business coach?

How would you say that investing in your own well being is a profitable one for business?

THis might be broad but what are some shifts we can start making that impact our wellness that you’ve seen and suggested for those wanting business growth?

I know for myself, walking, walking my dog, listening to podcasts, reading, and working out have made a huge impact on how I feel about my day but also how I show up creatively and even in seasons where I don’t feel like going out to lift- if

For myself, I’ve been through bikini/body building and powerlifting and currently a huge health issue that I’m working on with my doctor actually with hormones- and the more I’ve talked about it, the more I realize how many women are really struggling with things hormone related in the last couple years- have you seen this or have advice to those women who are struggling?

And along those lines- I know you talk a lot about being chronically exhausted- would you speak more on that?

Leading yourself while leading a business is defintely a job itself- what are some ways that you see that set up for success ?

I know for many women- we tend to be the ones who are also taking on a bigger mental load in the household whether married or with or without kids in the house- and with that- many feel either they don’t have time or feel that it’s almost selfish to do more for pouring within our own self- are there some things that you suggest to those that would encourage them that those extra things are life-giving, without it making it seem it’s just extra to-do’s on a plate?

I’ve listed a few things earlier that I do for myself to invest both in my mental and physical health- but it defintely didn’t start with doing all of them- for me it took years of adding in good habits and then not only adding in MORE things but seeing what habits I should eliminate from the day too so that it can be both productive, fulfilling, but relaxing too- are there some techniques or things you suggest to those who feel like either their day is too full to start eliminating or how to add in new good habits?

Before we go- Tell us how we can find you, follow you and get to know you more!