How to build an authentic network- with Amy Pocsik

How to build an authentic network- with Amy Pocsik

“As women life demands so much- building relationships sometimes are put on the sidelines so I’m here to help take that back because it’s so important to your success!”

Are you building a business and stuck on creating a network that encourages, helps you grow, and serves you as you serve them and finding YOUR people?

Amy Pocsik is the CEO and Founder of Bold Moves and Co-Founder of Women’s Business League-empowering women to build community around their brand.

Tune into our conversation about How to build an authentic network by activating your current network, stay informed on your networking why, the Give 30 strategy, join the Women’s business League, go to where your heart is, articulate what is your gift and what is your offer, and so much more through our conversation!

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I was so intrigued to chat to you today about creating authentic networks and community and the power behind them. Especially because I know so many women that aside from not having a professional network don’t always even have a personal network of women to grow with and what an impact and difference they can make.

Before we jump into creating that network and community-will you tell a little of your why for community and how it’s impacted your business and growth

How has it affected you professionally as well as personally having a community in building?

Okay- so first things first- how can we engage in a way that builds community?

How do we start building and finding out community?

I know we want to jump in- host one event and have our community- can you talk about the time it takes to build authentic networks?

What are some ideas to start creating networks of women in business? Any pointers or suggestions?

Can you talk about the power behind community and what it can do for business when it’s created?

Why is it important?

Your story?

What’s something that’s been on your heart to share with those listening?

Anything you’re working on/excited about?

How can we find, follow, and be part of your community!