Using EFT to get unstuck, release past emotions, and more! -Theresa Leer Levine

Using EFT to get unstuck, release past emotions, and more! -Theresa Leer Levine

I loved my conversation with Theresa - learn how what EFT is, how to do the tapping technique, myths surrounding it, and how we can use it everyday and what it does for us!

Today I have the pleasure of chatting with Theresa Leer Levine- this woman is truly a powerhouse with a book “becoming more me: tapping into success- subconscious secrets of ADHD” a podcast host, wife and mother, and EFT Master Practitioner, Law of Attraction coach, and Energy Strategist so welcome Theresa!

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Today I have the pleasure of chatting with Theresa Leer Levine- this woman is truly a powerhouse with a book “becoming more me: tapping into success- subconscious secrets of ADHD” a podcast host, wife and mother, and EFT Master Practitioner, Law of Attraction coach, and Energy Strategist so welcome Theresa!

What’s interesting is before a few weeks ago- where I had a guest speak about hypnotherapy- I was brand new to it and so I was extra excited to learn even more alongside of cultivating calm clarity and confidence with the nervous system and law of attraction and EFT

So for this listening who maybe don’t know yet what EFT stands for and what it is- will you tell us and also why women need this in their toolbox and how to use it?

How did you get into EFT and hypnotherapy and even the law of attraction beliefs and practices?

And with ADHD- with EFT- what are some ways we can get grounded/focused

What are maybe some skepticism or myths that you’ve heard or seen using hypnotherapy and EFT

I know you chatted lately with HOW you accomplish things without living inside the checking boxes- and I’d love if you talked more about living in that and what works for you?

Something I have believed in that you talk about is seasons- seasons both standard seasons but also menstrual cycle and learning those running in the background and affecting us - and how we can use those FOR accomplishing -I know so many of us struggle with some type of anxiety and it can be exhausting and debilitating to even accomplish daily tasks- so how can we start giving that permission to work yes on days where some things do have to get done but work through our energy?

How are some ways we can start to quiet down those thoughts, the noise, the anxiety and calm those to make clear decisions?

What are some things on your heart lately that you’d love to share either personal or business that keeps coming up for you

How can we find, follow, listen to your podcast, get the book and more?