Action & patience- your best marketing strategy

Action & patience- your best marketing strategy

Giving you tips and tricks I’ve used to start over in a new location and build a business I love

I’m 14 years into my business, but only 4.5 years into it in Florida, and I’m always going to keep seeking action and patience to grow, shift, and listening to what I know is best for my business. That gut instinct can give you direction when you learn to listen, and I’m lucky to do my passion full time and photograph amazing women and people even if it looks like I only have 2300 followers on instagram. I have felt my voice is one that can encourage small numbers doesn’t mean lack of success- it’s only the flashy thing that is seen- but it’s the hours of other marketing strategy.

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Marketing. It’s a huge topic and one that’s never-ending if you have a business

I don’t have tens of thousands of followers in fact, I have less than 2500 on instagram, less than 2000 on Facebook, and less than 550 on pinterest, and yet I have a full time photography business. I’m not telling you that because I don’t want more followers, absolutely I’d love to gain more of my clients and encourage more women, find my ideal clients, and serve them, but I’m here to tell you you don’t need a ton of followers to start, and even if you have a lower number, you can still make a business, a living. Because so many times I hear people give that excuse as a reason NOT to build, start, try,. Marketing doesn’t start and end with social media even though tis’ the shiny way- it’s what people see- they see the likes and comments and followers and influencers we see, and even though It IS important for my business. Social media has tended to believe who have great numbers are making the most money- and while numbers defintely can bring in more money- especially with affiliate marketing- it is not the only way to see if a business is thriving. It does feel that way though sometimes, and I understand that. But as I looked at my numbers, I had to reflect on what my business is really doing by looking at the numbers behind the scenes- my inquiries, my clients, my network, and the relationships I build after I have said clients.

I felt this on my heart to share because I’m living it, felt it could be my voice not to only say you don’t need thousands and millions of followers to succeed but because I am an example of that.

I was listening to other podcasts while biking the other day, and one with hundreds of thousands of followers said this, and I thought.. I believe her but only because I’m living it but she DOES have thousands of followers so it seems like maybe just something people say and it hit me, that as someone who is doing the dang thing, running a full time business AND doesn’t have the numbers it’s still possible, and the people that do follow me are my people. I decided right then it was a way to reach and talk about having smaller numbers and show that even with smaller numbers, you can make an impact, you can have a side business or fulll time business and it’s no excuse not to conintue on.

Marketing isn’t just social media- though a lot of my clients find me online but if that’ all you’re doing it’s a good reminder that we don’t own those followers, if at any point those sites went down, you’d lose every person who follows you so it’s a great way to leverage some of your other marketing strategies like announcing launches/email lists/new products/associate pdocuts and so much more- it shouldn’t and can’t be the only way you’re marketing your business.

Networking has been huge for me, and looking back to starting completely over knowing NO ONE in a new state- I knew it would take about 3 years before that started to build IF I went out and hit the ground running, knowing each introduction wasn’t a client, but a potential person for another introduction, a relationship.

How many times have we heard that marketing is a strategy that is ongoing, it’s not quick, it’s not get every person you meet. It’s part of your growth and most times business growth that sticks takes a while to grow- which is honestly for our benefit, as we shift and grow we can add in more people, change how we do business, and make sure our businesses are accommodating needs we don’t see met when we first start them. And to develop your true authenticity, takes action and patience. Two things of course a lot of us tend to avoid. We all wish we could make one post, one new product announcement and BAM work comes to us. But that’s not how you develop trust in your clients, followers, and network. Our desire for attention with likes and comments can often cloud what is bringing in business making sales and creating a long-lasting growth which is create and contributing value. And I know that isn’t pretty and shiny and fun- action and patience? No we want growth and success!

I’m going to give you a few business marketing tips I’ve learned especially starting completely over and having no network to depend on which is usually the biggest way to see growth in business, but the two things to remember is truly action and patience. I had learned from moving 4 other states that it took me approximately 3 years to start to see clients find me, trust me, and build a network- unfortunately I was moving every 3 years so as soon as I’d see some solid growth, I’d move. I’ve been here in the emerald coast of florida for 4.5 years and I have trusted the process of action and patience.

It has mostly been all hind site on connecting dots, when I moved to florida, I couldn’t see the whole staircase of my steps, my business, and what would get me to having a full time career doing my photography business- but I trusted my experience, other mentors, and of course me getting to action and patience.

1- Networking. Now I don’t mean find some groups and hand out your cards and suddenly you’re swimming in clients. In fact, this sometimes is the slowest growing marketing tool but it can also be a strong one that brings your clients and customers in numbers in the future without you spending money, and time- and if time is money- you basically create a network that sends you business and doing all the work- you owe them some thank you at the very least. Going to networking events especially in a new place is so important. You get to meet friends, people in your businesses circle, people who have been around for a while and hear about other events and know people. This is a long game, and in face it’s the long-relationship game. This isn’t a one night stand of marketing. I even try not to talk about my business unless it’s asked about- if someone wants to talk all day about theirs- cool. This can be paramount if you continue to build those relationships, connect online- and try maybe serving first- sending them clients and supporting their events and business ventures. This takes some of your time and a little money- but know that networking will take a few years before you see some outcomes that are long lasting. (Not always, you might meet someone right away, but never go into events looking for your client.- they’re people to build with.) here’s my example.

2- Advertising- this is another that I never submit to a publication thinking- yup this is going to get me tons of clients- in fact I do it and know that I probably won’t get even one client from the (usually expensive) ad, but what it will get me is exposure through that publication and maybe some opportunities to network. here’s my example. Every time I move to a new state, I do some research on magazines- I take out ONE ad in a magazine and because of that ad- I was invited to an event of the cover reveal. I ended up doing free headshots for someone I met at an event. He happened to give those headshots to the same magazine, and because of that- I was hired by that magazine because now they knew who I was, this was a huge ripple effect because it has created SO many relationships because of that one person. Now I could’ve been bummed I didn’t get ANY leads from my ad, but I didn’t spend money on the ad for clients, I spent it to create relationships and that’s what has grown my network.

3- Social media. You don’t have to do them all, in fact I know it’s overwhelming but I will quote jasmine star and say- if it’s free it’s for me- it’s a great way to market and should be one of the strategies because anytime I get a new business card or even meet someone new- I want to see their credibility and I head to not just their website but see their ever-changing- usually updated social media websites. I could talk about social media more but keeping up with a few that really drive traffic to you and create sales and customers, continue to learn the changing althogrums and you’ll see results.

4- SEO and websites. Honestly this is one I used to hate, I mean it felt so overwhelming 10 years ago, but blogging and website and SEO is NOT dead. Using SEO is the highest traffic pusher to my website every month and is another way to create credibility. This is yet another action and patience, because each blog I do SEO, every session, post, and update my website it pushes me to the tops of google pages and rankings I want. But that takes a while, and depending on your location, could take a few years. This is where my niche has helped tremendously. I’m now the number 1 photographer for certain categories on google- not in families and weddings but I am specific in my SEO so people find ME. This also goes with reviews, reviews WILL give credibility and also bump you up in rankings.

5- email lists. Another that so many think is a dead marketing strategy but can be another HUGE tool to use right from home. We went over social media how it’s not numbers and likes you own, but those lists you create and have emails to- you own that list. So if you have to start over- you still would have that network. It’s tough to get people to sign up, but creating valuable information and serving your audience will always gain those lists. It’s a way to connect with the people who love you, serve more intimately, and also is great reminders for ways to give them specials, first to new products, and so much more.

6- Business cards. This one isn’t quite as big but no matter where I was going- if I had the opportunity and was asked for my information- I wanted to make sure I had a beautiful business card to give. (Also because of my career I keep several. One for weddings, one for bachelorette, one for beauty so I can be ready to hand them what they need.)

7-Serve. Whether it’s jumping on other people’s podcast to serve that community and share your expertise, volunteering at an event of another business and people you believe in, creating content for free,. And when you see FIT (not every opportunity will fit) donate either your time or your product or service to a cause you believe in and can give back. You have a gift you’ve been given and it’s not to be used for your own purposes, so starting giving and gifts will absolutely return to you.

8- associate, affiliate or contract. Not every business will fit this marketing strategy but you can do collaborations with physical products, get in stores, find events under other businesses and so much more- but for service based, don’t be afraid to reach out to businesses to work under theirs if it’s possible. For me, I work for a wedding shop as a contract photographer, and have worked under 3 magazines which sent me to events, set up some fabulous shoots and created relationships, I also contract through another photography company (I’m the only one in northwest florida currently that works for them) and when just I as slow, I had other jobs trickling in still in my field and doing this enabled me to quit the other jobs I had and make photography my full times business after only 4 years here in florida.

the best thing to remember is to be your authentic self. No matter what form of marketing you’re doing, and there’s so many other ways to market your business and yourself or personal brand- if you want the longevity of your ideal client and not just numbers to follow you- being uniquely you will be the way to do that.

I moved here and had to get a full time job, one that allowed me to work on my photography when it was slow- I was always clear and honest that my business was what I was working to do full time, after a few years, I was too busy for another full time job at an office but not busy enough to just be on my own, I took on a part time job being a lifeguard and swim instructor until again I was too busy to have that job. There have been things along the way that was tough especially feeling like I wasn’t where I should be, but no matter what you have to do - even if yo uwant to keep your side hustle as a side hustle- you can absolutely do it- and if you’ve lived where you do for a while- you might find it grows more quickly because of the network and relationships you’ve already organically been building. That wasn’t a luxury I had in florida but it has allowed me to teach how to start over completely, because I’ve gone through it 5 times.

There’s so many more ways to market your business, and the best thing is to TRY. What fits you and your authentic self might not fit another business that looks like yours. Action and patience - two things that we resist but will benefit our brand and protect us from being disappointed each time we try something and it looks like it fails, when it reality it might set up other opportunities, people, and relationships to build.- but we won’t see those steps until we take the first in front of us, and keep taking steps so you can look back and see how each got you where you are.

I’m 14 years into my business, but only 4.5 years into it in florida, and I’m always going to keep seeking action and patience to grow, shift, and listening to what I know is best for my business. That gut instinct can give you direction when you learn to listen, and I’m lucky to do my passion full time and photograph amazing women and people even if it looks like I only have 2300 followers on instagram. I have felt my voice is one that can encourage small numbers doesn’t mean lack of success- it’s only the flashy thing that is seen- but it’s the hours of other marketing strategy. Giving you tips and tricks I’ve used to start over in a new location and build a business I love

Keep Shining