Valentine's Day Inspiration

Valentine’s Day Inspiration

valentines day decoration inspiration pink

People often have asked me why i chose the beach to live. Out of all the logical reasons i did, one very dreamy sounding but real reason was… i’ve always been a beach girl, i just never lived by the beach. Okay so i did live in Virginia beach, but after being here, i’m a snob and i’ll tell you.. it’s simply not the same. But it makes me happy. i take Murphy for a walk around my neighborhood and as i do i often find myself saying that i’m thankful for this little neighborhood, being so close to the beach. There’s just something about it that brings me life, connects me closer to my heart somehow, and clears my mind. If you found those kind of spots whether it’s the mountains or the beach, you know it’s true.

I’m sharing something very simple with you today, and that’s the simple things around my home that bring me that daily happiness. i walk into my kitchen each morning to make the same chai tea protein latte i’ve made for the last 6 months but i walk through my living room and peek at the decorations that change with seasons, i light candles and sit in my quiet office and soak up the sun or even the storm, whatever weather decides to come my way and i’m thankful. So that’s why i do it, i change the small decor because my heart changes with seasons too and it brings me simple peace. We all go through seasons, and i like to think my home does the same along with me.

fun valentines day inspiration

i just read this quote “your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun, surround yourself only with those who want to see you grow,” and although i could go into depth about the wonderful people in my life, i find the same is true about what you surround your home with. Little things that bring me peace and i find myself smiling as i tuck my legs up on my office chair and start to work each morning with a thankful heart.

A very simple post for you to surround yourself not with clutter but simple things that bring you peace, make you grateful, and can even grow and change with you- and with that i mean the people in your life too.

Keep Shining

pink and red galentines tree
valentines wreath
valentines decoration
fun holiday decor in pink and red
adorable valentines day decor