Last week i showed a gorgeous press printed wedding album, and i couldn't help but show this press printed book i also offer! these are perfect products to show off your photographs in such a fun way! when i designed this book, i decided to use the shimmer paper, since it was senior photos and it matched Mikayla's personality and photos! 


This is an 8x8 book. A few differences in this book over the album is, the pages aren't quite as thick, they are bendable, they are designed in pages over spreads (this means there will not be one photo over two pages) It is the same type of padded hard cover, and lots of options to make it all your own (like the shimmer paper!) i had to order this one for my studio too! 


tipped the page above into the light to see a little shimmer. 


these books make such a fabulous piece to add at your open house graduation to show off lots of your photographs and show the story of your session. What's fantastic is, you get to pick out some of your favorites to show, rather than me picking them all so you love the images you get to flip through! 

If you are interested in a book and I've shot your session, you can still order! contact me or email for details and prices.